
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Apple Sauce Recipe

I am excited about my brand new apple sauce recipe created right here in our Hell’s Kitchen kitchen in the Big Apple 🍎:-) this afternoon. It works for my taste buds.

Steam ingredients.
Healthy, easy, and comforting especially if eaten warm.

Enjoy the countdown to the 20s.

Thank you for your visit as always,


Ingredients (without 🍏 ) 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays! And a Peaceful Countdown to 2020

 This was written a few days ago: 

"This morning, we wound up at IMAGINE when the shadow of a beautiful 🌲 was aligned with and highlighted "Imagine"; I did not notice it until a little later when that shadow had moved:-).  We were so late this morning, but somehow it was perfect timing.  And Ember really enjoyed hanging out there; there were other people taking photos of their pups, and themselves and she got all quiet and pensive 🤔.  And thus we had our holiday card”.

- Enjoy!

Thank you for reading as always, B.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Is the Term “Reflex” Integral to Reflexology?

Is the term reflex integral* to Reflexology?

Somewhere in the US, reflexologists are not allowed to use the word reflex.  I would  like to suggest to our community to draw the line here for possible future definitions and consider standing our ground.

What Reflexology is allowed to be “defined” as depends to a very large degree on what legislators are told by parties outside the field of reflexology (lobbyists) making sure reflexology does not infringe on their field, their lingo and it has gotten pretty weird for the lack of a better word.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reflexology yes, but reflexes no? - So what is reflexology?

One of the words NOT to be used by reflexologists somewhere around the US is the word reflex, and that is why it is not part of the new RAA (Reflexology Association of America) definition.  I totally understand where RAA is coming from; RAA wants to cover all states because it represents all states.

Whomever this is coming from it seems like telling a surgeon not to use the word surgery or a pet groomer not to use the words grooming and pet, just saying.
So “neural pathways” it is according to the new RAA definition, which means that I personally will have to undo fifteen years of using the term "reflex" which may result in new neural pathways by calling the “lung reflex” “neural pathways to the lungs.”  Neural is very 21st century which is in a way good.  Or “reflection of the lung” will be another option as is “neural representation of the lungs”.  When we work on the feet because they are at one end of the body, it is really nerve endings that we hit which are nevertheless part of a pathway (see below definition).

So what is a definition for neural pathway? 
Neural pathway: noun
technicala series of connected nerves along which electrical impulses travel in the body 
(“Neural pathway.” The Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., Accessed 25 November 2019)And here is the Reflexology Association of America’s current definition of Reflexology:Reflexology, an integrative health practice, maps a reflection of the body predominately on the feet, hands and outer ears. It uses unique manual techniques to deliver pressure to neural pathways assisting the body to function optimally. (2019)”*
Nostalgically, I dug out my old NYSRA (stress) foot for this post which by the way says: “Reflexology..... promoting wellness” that lingo still works.