Almost full... |
Appalachian Trail(Mt Pico) |
With members of the support group I have been doing a cleanse this spring and have been eliminating items such as coffee, wheat, dairy, red meats, sugars, etc. and replace them with more veggies, juices, whole grains, seeds ... sugar is not an issue, neither are red meats, alcohol, nicotine (although it's time to confess that I smoke a cigarette then and again). For me it's mostly about adding more vegetables and dropping wheat (I am very curious about possible changes); I may revisit this subject and may share some of my recipes shared with the group.
My 2-day VT routine was: Dien Cham Basic Session in bed, morning hike on the Appalachian Trail with Mowgli who was ecstatic, Chi Gong, some yoga stretches before or after breakfast (oatmeal with fresh almond milk and fruit), then a few hours of skiing interrupted by lunch, tea/bathroom breaks, back to the trail with Mowgli, hot tub, dinner, a bit more of Chi Gong/yoga/breathwork/listening to mantras, bed - no nonsense.
Goofing off after a fall... |
What led me to this eye opening moment was my basic routine that supported me "off the mat", beginner's mind, checking in with the body, my emotions, taking a few deep breaths to ground, observation, revelation!
At one point I had to make a sharp turn to avoid a jump which resulted in a pull in my left knee, no! So I took it very easy getting to the base; once on the chairlift I did slow knee extensions/flexions. My knees' tracking is not very well supported - they have never caused me much problems, as I fortunately have been aware of it for a very long time (one of the benefits of yoga is that you become aware of your problem areas). In some yoga poses I feel some strange tension so I am very proactive in dealing with every bit of funk going on there - have been for a long time. I also cupped my knee and worked the knee reflexes on the face, which are just outside the corners of the mouth, I think the hiking strengthened my knees as well; both mornings I sniffled which made me add that sniffle protocol!
What a lovely two days in the country, fresh air, sun shine, hiking. It all started with an incredible sunset over the Taconic Mountains; it's still all with me and the new insight keeps on nurturing me.