
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Expense of Fighting off A Cold Naturally - Looking at the Big Picture

honey, ginger, lemon, neti pot and the book that inspired this blog
I was not dressed warm enough for an extensive morning walk in November.  Mowgli woke me up one morning and I was outside at 7am which was earlier than usual.  I should have gone back inside to get a scarf at least, but decided against it, which was an unwise decision.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Dirty Chunky Three-Potato Mash" (no butter) Happy Holidays 2014 - Remember, RELAX and BREATHE!

Happy Holidays

"Dirty-Chunky 3-Potatoe Mash"
We were invited to my friend's house in Harlem for a potluck-style Thanksgiving dinner. 
In about two hours I did the laundry, grocery shopping, and made the most delicious mashed potatoes I have ever eaten if I may say so.  
I was full of vitality having returned from a trip to Mexico (more about that some other time) the day before.  Here is what I did and I wonder whether others have tackled the challenge of creating a healthier mashed potatoes recipe.  My make-over is called "dirty chunky 3-potatoe mash".

In the morning I woke up knowing that I wanted to use a variety of organic potatoes including traditional white,  red and one Japanese sweet potato which I discovered about a year ago.