
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Vaccines? That’s it?

There are so many things we can do aside from washing hands with soap, which is very important, wear masks and wait for a vaccine.  Deepak Chopra is taking a wide angle approach which is the holistic/sustainable way.  He talks about food and stress (reflexology and yoga might be able to help with that and will have many more benefits if done on regular basis) and other factors. 
If you have a moment, check out Deepak Chopra’s Facebook video 

Thank you for your visit as always,

A few mindful breaths can at times allow for more ease...

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Some Feedback (Reflexology)

“Re: My reflexology was like walking on air, on my way home.” 

Please, note reflexology in this case meant about 25 minutes of hands-on work; the recipient opted for foot reflexology and some hand reflexology. 

Feedback is always appreciated.  Thank you! 
As practitioner I learn from every participant.  (My work is trauma-sensitive and the person who seeks me out is a participant rather than a client; please, note, everybody can benefit from trauma-sensitive service). 
Thank you for your visit as always,

A few mindful breaths can at times allow for more ease...