
Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcoming the Year of the Snake for Well Being

I bought this snake on Canal Street

The parade celebrating the Chinese New Lunar Year of the Water Snake started at 1pm on February 17, a very chilly but sunny day.   Some of the spectators were still leaving the area and headed to the subways on Canal Street when I got there and the clean up efforts were under way.  I had the narrow Chinatown streets (Pell and Bayard) almost to myself at that point.  I am sharing a few photos here.  Unfortunately, there were no dragon or lion dancers around (I can't get enough of them) and no confetti rockets went off.  I bought some to support the local economy but have not used them yet.  When I got home I found some unused ones from last year as well ;-), so I am now in the possession of five confetti rockets!  Now we just need an occasion.  The problem is that they create a big mess.  We may have to wait for another parade ;-), St. Patty's is probably next, just kidding.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Garlic, Honey, and Kombucha/NY and VT

finely chopped garlic and honey
  • Garlic
One morning about about two weeks ago I woke up sniffly and was then getting very cold during the morning walk with Mowgli.  Thus I decided to have some garlic, minced with honey to make eating it easier.  I had some more the day afterward, and after consulting with an acupuncturist friend, I decided to continue for a third day.  Doing my best to keep the flu at bay this year.  It seems to be a very bad season.  Hopefully nobody has been offended by my new scent.