
Monday, December 9, 2019

Is the Term “Reflex” Integral to Reflexology?

Is the term reflex integral* to Reflexology?

Somewhere in the US, reflexologists are not allowed to use the word reflex.  I would  like to suggest to our community to draw the line here for possible future definitions and consider standing our ground.

What Reflexology is allowed to be “defined” as depends to a very large degree on what legislators are told by parties outside the field of reflexology (lobbyists) making sure reflexology does not infringe on their field, their lingo and it has gotten pretty weird for the lack of a better word.
While I understand that as health care practitioners and mostly women we are expected to be agreeable for the sake of harmony, I personally think nobody in our community should have to agree to not using the term reflex, the one term that is at the very heart of Reflexology.
I will share this on closed FB platforms and am curious to hear what others thoughts are?

If this is new news to you, please visit my previous post (same photo but yellow nail polish) or visit the RAA website (check link below).

Thank you for reading as always,

A curious reflexologist (Birgit)


PS:  As one of many reflexologists involved in legislative work in New York I have a bit of experience and am appreciative of any efforts of my colleagues doing the really hard work going out on a limb.  I have sat in meetings with NYSRA colleagues and NY legislators and have given sessions to legislators, staff, and the public at the well in Albany without any legislative experience.  I have helped to spread the word about my colleague Petra’s international move on petition in support of reflexology regulation and have joined Petra delivering the beautifully bound package of signatures  on a hot NYC day in 2017  to her legislator at the north tip of Manhattan, joined by our colleague, Rita.  Furthermore I have asked for letters in support of a regulation of reflexology. -  I am aware of the challenges, and appreciate anyone active on the local, national, international level.
P.S. P.S:  Reflexology became a discipline because there have been enough like-minded people, curious to delve in, develop, educate, practice and yes, pay for consumption of  reflexology and likely they have been benefiting in some way.  There is a demand for reflexology and yes, there has been money invested in a study related to breast cancer and many more smaller studies around the world.  

Legislators sampling reflexology - zoomed in (Albany Well, NY, USA)

Legislators sampling Reflexology - zoomed out (Albany Well, NY, USA)

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