Returning to the frog: It has been a while. A lot has happened including Occupy Wall Street. My life has been hectic but very interesting; definitely a time of professional growth! The weather is beautiful today - it is again too warm today and yesterday I sneaked away to the park (Central Park) for an hour with a friend - we brought our yoga mats and sat in the grass. We marveled at the fall colors, especially the golden yellow.
I was reminded of the protocol to follow at the first sign of a sniffle and I decided to include it in my wellness program as preventive measure because of the recent ongoing sudden changes in temperature. On Oct. 29, it had snowed and because the leaves were still on the trees, it caused some even perfectly healthy trees to uproot. What a sad sight Central Park was. It caused a lot of damage to power lines outside the city and in NJ and we arrived at our friends' dark house in Pelham after an hour of delay on the train, not knowing whether we would make it back home that night. They were as hospitable as always and we were sitting by candle and lantern light in the kitchen; their young son was sitting happily in his booster imitating the howling Halloween ghost placed on the kitchen counter. A couple of hours later we were walked to the train - the way lit by one of the lanterns my friend was carrying. No delay going home - thank god!
I am also reminding you of the protocol: it is so easy to remember(bottom of the nose; along sides of the nose, vertical mid-line on forehead). You know by now that I always do the basic session at least once a day but often twice or even three times. I often massage along the eye brows to "open up/rejuvenate the face and brain", at least that what it feels like, but I am aware that I am also on the reflexes to the shoulders, arms, and all the way by the temples on the wrist and hand reflexes which always benefit from some TLC the Dien Cham way.
The next post will hopefully materialize soon: possible topics: Reflexology for the OWS community, checking in on my neck, my Chi Gong practice, my experience with clowning, creativity for wellness (that's a no brainer, yes?), World Reflexology Week, Corporate Reflexology, etc. Halloween. Snow Man (as seen at the De Witt Ball Field) Oct. 2011

Shining the light on improving Quality of Life for Humans & Animals & related topics. - Inspired by Marie-France Muller's Dien Cham in 2010, evolved to include Yoga/Chair Yoga/Reflexology/Trauma-Sensitivity, socially engaged. - (“Your practice is important part of your day," said our facilitator. I silently agreed and added that if I did not find a way to love it, how would I keep it up? This may not apply to you, of course. We all have different stories, preferences.)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Summer-Winter-late Fall conditions - all within less than 2 weeks
"open up the face",
Basic Session,

Hey pal! I think it would be great if you could also provide us a video here so that people can have an idea about facial reflexology.
Hi, I am actually writing about my explorations of a book called "Facial Reflexology A Self Care Manual" by Marie-France Muller. I am an ARCB nationally certified Reflexologist myself and based in New York City, but am home studying Dien Cham, the Vietnamese method of Facial Reflexology which the Marie-France Muller has simplified for the general public and am using it for self-care on a daily basis as well as use it for my clients. It is a book any person interested in natural healing should have. It is fun and does not take much time - 2 minutes or less. The book is available through Amazon.
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