
Monday, January 16, 2017

"I have a 4yr female pug, Butter. She has a tendency

"I have a 4yr female pug, Butter. She has a tendency to run a bit antsy. For years I have used the Thunderjacket to calm her. I have been using Brigit's massage techniques (reflexology) on Butter five days a week as a morning routine. Since starting, Butter is calmer and needs her Thunderjacket far less. Thank you, Brigit! Hell's Kitchen Pug owner" 

"We have shown some of our volunteers and are having some good feedback from them. I'm definitely looking forward to the video. :)" - I demoed the protocol to the manager of a no-kill shelter in NC.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thank You

Obama Family, Bo and Sunny  
Has it really been eight years since I saw Patti Smith on Election Day in 2008 in NOLA?  That  historical night!
Sigh.  Farewell.

I heard that since D. Trump does not want to move into the White House, the Obamas may stay there.  :-).


Birgit Nagele, ARCB, LVCY, TSY

Return to balance now:
- Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth on a ha sound...and again, and again, then return to natural breathing and observe...

- Reflexology(feet/hands/face/DIY/Dogs)
Yoga (Gentle Mat, LV Chair Yoga, TSY)
- Private Clients, Corporate, Events 2 Re-Balance 
- EuNYCe (Educating about Reflexology locally, internationally)
- NYC-based 
Tel: (917) 664-5792

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Sage and the City, Ashram, Farm

This post is inspired by a friend who just asked me how to use sage.

As per an article on by Bess O'Connor Smudging is an ancient ceremony in which you burn sacred plants, such as sage, to allow the smoke to clear and bless a space.

So here is what I personally do:

I walk around our apartment in New York City with burning sage (my friend sometimes gifts me hand-picked sage from Utah) blowing carefully into it  (see photo) to create smoke.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Focus on the Sound

Returning to another polar bear plunge in Coney Island after spending New Year's Day in Vienna last year.  
Plunge number I don't know, maybe 22.  The temperature was in the 40s, am not sure about the water temperature, I like to say it's always cold.  We were part of the "green wave" at 1:10pm.  It was a very sunny day.