Shining the light on improving Quality of Life for Humans & Animals & related topics. - Inspired by Marie-France Muller's Dien Cham in 2010, evolved to include Yoga/Chair Yoga/Reflexology/Trauma-Sensitivity, socially engaged. - (“Your practice is important part of your day," said our facilitator. I silently agreed and added that if I did not find a way to love it, how would I keep it up? This may not apply to you, of course. We all have different stories, preferences.)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Working with Suzie - dog in foster care
I had two encounters with Suzie (name of the dog was changed to ensure privacy of foster parent and dog:-)at the dog run, she was a rescue in foster care; the first time, she did not stop barking and was a bit aggressive trying to play with every dog but none of them being interested. Mowgli was her favorite, but he was not interested either. The foster parent kept trying to make her stop and was very apologetic so I told him about the massage I gave Mowgli every day; I did it on Suzie; she stopped barking and was more into herself. The same thing happened the second time; I gave her a massage again, which she seemed to relish, and again she stopped barking, changed pace and was more into herself; I did not hear her bark again; they left about 5-10 minutes later.

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