
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mowgli - Wearing the "Elizabethean Collar"

The "Elizabethean Collar" as Royal calls it is not fun; neither for wearer, nor pet owner; the wearer (Mowgli) gets very irritated due to restricted view, movement and bumping into furniture and walls.  However, there was no way to avoid it; we would have risked an infection; we used it at night, when Mowgli was at home alone, or when we caught him licking the wound (the hot spot) which happened occasionally.  I, again doubled up on the Dien Cham  (Facial Reflexology) sessions to keep him as relaxed as possible.   I am also interested whether there are holistic solutions in forms of oils, such as tea tree oil, or perhaps chamomile oil (does it exist)? 

The hot spot, an open area on Mowgli's hip;  Royal spotted it (no pun intended) before it became infected and thank god we avoided having to use antibiotics.  We are, however using an ointment prescribed by our vet.
Mowgli must be feeling vulnerable; he usually watches me practice from the couch
Mowgli must have felt vulnerable; he usually watches me practice yoga from the couch!
Naturally, the inconvenience does not keep us from walking in Central Park in the morning, and sometimes at night.  He does not need to wear the collar during a walk because he is too busy sniffing to be licking the wound.  We would not want to miss this routine whenever my schedules allows it.  This photo of Central Park South was taken at the Chess and Checker House, my chi gong spot, a few days ago.   I love this view!  While I do my practice, Mowgli sun bathes and/or watches birds/squirrels tourists, etc.. 

Birgit Nagele, ARCB, LVCHT
Reflexology, LV Chair Yoga, Employee Wellness Online (new

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