Yesterday, I instructed one of my clients on how to help herself to beat her smoking habit. Marie-France's protocol (p. 177) entails about 10 points; if that sounds like a lot, well remember, you only work on each point doing a dozen rubs or less in case you encounter a very tender area.
Knowing that it is not very easy for us Western minds to understand that we could enhance wellness by just working on some points on the body, I decided to mark only 2 points on a facial grid copy to be done whenever she is feeling tempted, or suffering withdrawal symptoms, in other words, to keep the homework to the bare minimum and thus make it irresistibly attractive and user friendly. I approach everybody depending on where I think they stand as that works for me as well; I presented the facial grid, then to further entice her (with the "layer cake" in mind - you will hear more about this next time), I cross referenced the points (as per Chapter 5: Correspondences, Effects, and Indications for Dien Cham Points; point 14 where earlobe meets the face area: page 201;), Warning: this point should not be stimulated in case of low blood pressure. This does not apply to my client; I read the main effects to her, such as, reduces blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, helps digestion (which is great since she reported that her appetite has increased), promotes salivation, relaxes... , I continued with the main indications, such as, stomach ache, indigestion and many more ... then I went on to point 61 in the nostril area: page 216 and read some of the main effects to her: produces endorphins, warms up body, reduces blood pressure, regulates muscular contraction (relaxes), anti-inflammatory, dissolves mucus, etc.; the main indications list, contains amongst others: abdominal pain, drug withdrawal symptoms, stomach ache, high blood pressure, eczema, Asthma, thumb pain, etc. in addition, Marie-France, gives detailed instructions on how to best work these points although just working them any way, would work...both my client and I were quite amazed reading these lists, nodding at times, and she thought I did a pretty good job enticing her to try out these points. I also was reminded that it is important to cross reference as there is valuable information in this Chapter 5, the most important being contraindications....

Shining the light on improving Quality of Life for Humans & Animals & related topics. - Inspired by Marie-France Muller's Dien Cham in 2010, evolved to include Yoga/Chair Yoga/Reflexology/Trauma-Sensitivity, socially engaged. - (“Your practice is important part of your day," said our facilitator. I silently agreed and added that if I did not find a way to love it, how would I keep it up? This may not apply to you, of course. We all have different stories, preferences.)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Smoking (Stopping) - Points 14/61
contraindication (low blood pressure),
feeling tempted,
point 14,
point 61,
suffering withdrawal symptoms

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