During week 13 I had one of my routine appointments with my acupuncturist who confirmed what I knew already, namely to keep taking it easy and rest if necessary to allow for complete recovery from the virus. I knew exactly what she meant. Often, as soon as we are able to function again, we go ahead full-speed and thus drag on symptoms which can lead to more problems down the road. She also gave me Chinese herbs in pill form which seemed to work very well for me. I decided to take her reminder seriously: At my urging R. and I interrupted our usual habits and spent more time at home whenever we could; I made sure to remind him what I was reminded of. I also stocked up on herbal teas and honey.
There was a need to modify my Dien Cham protocol and I did the following sequences: basic (relaxation, toning up) and EGM (energy giving massage) as usual.
I replaced the other sequences for the time being with the following ones: immune deficiencies (p. 132), (mostly both sequences), cough (p. 97), and the protocol to increase secretion (p.245) to help with my somewhat dry cough which resulted in a more producing cough; I did these sequences twice a day on most days and felt I was getting stronger consistently. I also returned to a 1/2-hour yoga (gentle) and 1/2 hour of breathing exercises and made sure I did not skip meals; occasionally I used the neti pot which I have written about before.
Luckily, we live very close to a health food store. They have delicious freshly made soups every day. I barely ate raw vegetables or fruit. Twice I bought heated freshly squeezed juices (Lemon Lozenges, Cold Warrior) from Juice Generation http://www.juicegeneration.com/ which I picked up during Mowgli's morning walks and which I highly recommend. (There are 3 locations in Manhattan). They have a rather extensive menu including soups and sandwiches but I at times start the day with the Lemon Lozenges juice when I feel a bit weak.
All in all I feel lucky to not have been hit much harder since the symptoms of the first two days were more severe than anything I had ever experienced. My plan is to continue to use the above listed protocols during week 14. - BN

Shining the light on improving Quality of Life for Humans & Animals & related topics. - Inspired by Marie-France Muller's Dien Cham in 2010, evolved to include Yoga/Chair Yoga/Reflexology/Trauma-Sensitivity, socially engaged. - (“Your practice is important part of your day," said our facilitator. I silently agreed and added that if I did not find a way to love it, how would I keep it up? This may not apply to you, of course. We all have different stories, preferences.)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Anemia - Week 13

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