
Monday, December 6, 2010

Anemia - Week 7

Last week I realized that our study week ends on Thursday not Friday: yet another reason to work the various brain reflexes. But I am back on track.
My neck pain was mostly kept at bay, had a lot of sniffles (usually first thing in the morning) so I have been using the respective protocol a lot.
I did some reading; as a result I decided to go stone-shopping in my neighborhood and kill two birds with one - stone that is:
a) to have presents for the reflexology party I was invited to
b) to have some for my own use since I have become so fond of my selenite wand which is somewhat fragile though.
(I am also in part particularly attached to it because of scratches caused by Mowgli- once left alone as a puppy without his toys in reach he must have scouted the living room for potential objects he could sink his teeth into; that day when I got home, I found the selenite wand on the floor).  MFM works with stones depending on her mood, but mentions that they, for example, can be matched to one's astrological signs; I figured if I stock up on them it would be very easy to always have one on me as alternative to using my fingers and knuckles; they are cheap, pretty and not fragile unlike my selenite wand.
The standard session is described on pages 49 through 54.  I decided to try it: all organs and functions are treated; I did it instead of the usual protocol; I liked it; I felt an overall shift and I decided to explore it more after we are done with the study; it entails 34 points - MFM calls it short - and says it can be used as a model and will help to answer questions like:
  • Where shall I start? 
  • In what order do I stimulate the points and zones?
The order to work the points for the standard session (this question has come up in the past) is as follows: cheeks/cheek bones, along the nose upward all the way to the forehead, then the eyebrows where necessary, down over the temples, around the mouth, then the chin finishing around in the area around the ears.  MFM also suggests that you memorize the basic session and this one as well. She further says: "It is important to be able to do this so that you can use them in any circumstance in case of need."
The next day I decided to do an extensive routine, consisting of a short warm-up,  the usual Dien Cham routine as well as the detox, afterwards I did my 20-minute breath routine, followed by relaxation in Savasana.  This was the third time I did the detox - and I detected a pimple on my chin: I have been drinking a lot more tea than usual but I think water is ideal to flush out the toxins.  I prefer fruit tea though at this time of the year which according to my acupuncturist is second best. - BN

1 comment:

MG said...

Birgit and I had the chance to meet yesterday morning. She shared some of her fruit tea with me and we discussed, among other things, point sequence. We wondered if point sequence for specific protocols made its way around the face in the same way the standard session does... cheeks/cheek bones, along the nose upward all the way to the forehead, etc. But I looked carefully at my protocols yesterday afternoon. One, in particular, goes from under the nose, to the forehead, to the cheeks and back to the forehead. On page 50, MFM says, "it is preferable to stimulate these [standard session] points in the order given below. The order is logical and takes proximity into account."
It's hard to tell if the sequence given is just for simplicity's sake or if there's an underlying reason why sequence affects the efficacy of the practice.

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