Please, sign
and share, like, and send positive vibes; whatever you can give is appreciated, BUT SIGNING IS DEFINITELY MOST HELPFUL!
and share, like, and send positive vibes; whatever you can give is appreciated, BUT SIGNING IS DEFINITELY MOST HELPFUL!
By doing so you support integrative care and the #integrityofreflexology developed by US physicians and practiced around the world. You also support job creation (touch is not outsourced), women, minorities.
Reflexology is non-invasive and the petition was created by a New York State Association (NYSRA) member like myself.
By the way, did you know that #NYSRA members have provided service to communities in crisis for years? Just browse through my posts and you can read about how we supported he 9/11 Community as well as did Sandy Relief joining with others. Furthermore we support moms of children with cancer diagnosis.
Reflexolgy is regulated in more than half of US states, but not in NY State; this needs to be change. We more than ever need reflexology to prevent, counteract stress, help with pain management, support at end of life, in corporate, the community, etc. etc.
There is no undressing needed to get a reflexology session. Reflexology is non-invasive and supports the natural healing ability of the body.
There is no undressing needed to get a reflexology session. Reflexology is non-invasive and supports the natural healing ability of the body.
As ARCB-certified reflexologists we have to undergo continuing education.
Here is the description of the moveon petition and below is the link again.
"Recognize reflexology -the internationally acclaimed, organized and recognized, research-supported profession that is harmless, non-invasive and integrative- in New York State now!
Reflexologists in New York, and national and state associations (incl. NY State Reflexology Association) have been active for over a decade to legalize our profession in New York State- 32 other US states and many countries worldwide are ahead of New York on this front, and there is no reason that this should not change NOW.... It's time to do the right thing, act ethically and sign this petition and support NY State Senate bill S5464! You can also sign the petition if you do not live in NY state or USA: the more voices heard, the better, please share far and wide, reflexology is in the best interest of all, thank you!"
Best wishes and namaste,
Birgit Nagele, ARCB, LVCY, TSY
This may help you to shift from fight/flight to more ease:
- Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth on a ha sound, and two more times, then return to natural breathing and observe...
- Reflexology(feet/hands/face/DIY/Dogs)
Yoga (Gentle Mat, LV Chair Yoga, TSY)
- Private Clients, Corporate, Events
- EuNYCe (Educating about Reflexology locally, internationally)
- NYC-based
Tel: (917) 664-5792
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